Course Code and Name:
RII40720 – Certificate IV in Civil Construction Supervision
Qualification Description
This qualification reflects the role of individuals working in supervisory and technical specialist positions in civil construction. They perform tasks involving a broad range of varied work activities most of which are specialised and within known or changing contexts. They are responsible for the quantity and quality of their own work, as well as for the output of others. They contribute to the development of technical solutions to non-routine problems.
Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification considerations
Licensing, legislative and certification requirements that apply to this qualification can vary between states, territories, and industry sectors. Users must check requirements with relevant body before applying the qualification.
Entry Requirements
There are no entry requirements for this qualification.
Packaging Rules
The following provides the packaging rules for this qualification, followed by the list of relevant units of competency.
The qualification has core and elective units of competency that cover the skills for the following two (2) specialisations:
Specialisation 1 – Supervision
Specialisation 2 – Operations
The core and elective unit requirements of one (1) specialisation must be met for this qualification to be awarded.
To be awarded the Certificate IV in Civil Construction (Supervision) the following packaging rules apply:
Total number of units = 12
5 core units plus
7 elective units, of which:
- at least three (3) must be chosen from Group A
- at least two (2) must be chosen from Group B
- no more than two (2) units may be chosen from elsewhere within this training package, or from another endorsed training package, or from an accredited course.
To be awarded the Certificate IV in Civil Construction (Operations) the following packaging rules apply:
Total number of units = 12
5 core units plus
7 elective units, of which:
- at least two (2) must be chosen from Group A
- at least three (3) must be chosen from Group B
- no more than two (2) units may be chosen from elsewhere within this training package, or from another endorsed training package, or from an accredited course.
All elective units selected from outside this qualification must reflect current occupational and learning outcomes of this AQF qualification level.
There are both licensed and non-licensed units of competency relating to high risk work in the Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package. To be appointed under any statutory requirements in related roles, units of competency should be selected to meet the state/territory licensing requirements.
There are prerequisites to imported units listed in this qualification. Where a unit is imported as an elective care must be taken to ensure that all prerequisites specified are complied with.
Successful completion of twelve (12) units of competency made up of:
- five (5)
BSBLDR411 Demonstrate leadership in the workplace BSBOPS402 Coordinate business operational plans BSBWHS411 Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements RIICWM401E Supervise civil works RIIRIS401E Apply site risk management system - seven (7) elective units of which:
- at least two (2) must be chosen from
Unit Code Unit Title BSBESB401 Research and develop business plans BSBESB403 Plan finances for new business ventures BSBESB404 Market new business ventures BSBFIN401 Report on financial activity BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans BSBHRM413 Support the learning and development of teams and individuals BSBINS402 Coordinate workplace information systems BSBOPS404 Implement customer service strategies BSBSTR401 Promote innovation in team environments BSBSTR402 Implement continuous improvement BSBSUS411 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices BSBPEF402 Develop personal work priorities BSBPMG424 Apply project human resources management approaches BSBPMG427 Apply project procurement procedures BSBPMG430 Undertake project work LGACOM401A Administer contracts LGACOM402A Arrange contracts LGACOM409A Prepare tender documentation LGACOM410A Prepare response to tenders LGADMIN417A Conduct community consultations LGAWORK403A Manage civil plant and resources RIICCR401E Develop and maintain positive community relations RIICOM301E Communicate information RIICWD503E Prepare traffic management plans and traffic guidance schemes RIICWM503E Prepare civil works cost estimates RIICWM504E Prepare civil works bill of quantities RIICWM505E Prepare civil works schedule of rates RIIENV401E Supervise dust and noise control RIIENV402E Implement and monitor environmental policies RIIGOV401E Apply, monitor and report on compliance systems RIILAT402E Provide leadership in the supervision of diverse work teams RIIQUA401E Apply a quality management system on site RIIRAI402D Apply and monitor site plant and resource management plan RIIRIS301E Apply risk management processes RIIRIS403E Manage and coordinate spill response RIISAM401E Apply site plant, equipment and infrastructure maintenance management plans - at least two (2) must be chosen from
Unit Code Unit Title LGAWORK401A Develop works maintenance schedule LGAWORK402A Prepare for operational works MSL924003 Process and interpret data MSL953003 Receive and prepare samples for testing MSL954004 Obtain representative samples in accordance with sampling plan MSL973013 Perform basic tests MSL973014 Prepare working solutions MSL973018 Prepare trial batches for evaluation MSL973021 Conduct field-based acceptance tests for construction materials MSL973022 Conduct laboratory-based acceptance tests for construction materials MSL974016 Perform physical and mechanical tests MSL974017 Prepare, standardise and use solutions MSL974019 Perform chemical tests and procedures MSL974026 Perform tests to determine the properties of construction materials MSL975031* Supervise sampling, inspections and testing at construction sites MSL975044* Perform complex tests to measure engineering properties of materials RIIBLA301E Conduct surface shotfiring operations RIIBLA401E Manage blasting operations RIIBLA402E Monitor and control the effects of blasting on the environment RIICBS401E Supervise asphalt paving and compaction operations RIICBS402E Supervise the application of bituminous sprayed treatments RIICBS403E Supervise the application of polymer modified binders RIICBS404E Supervise the selection and use of bituminous emulsions RIICBS405E Supervise micro surfacing operations RIICBS406E Supervise pavement profiling operations using a profiler RIICBS407E Supervise the manufacture and delivery of hot mix asphalt RIICBS408E Supervise the manufacture of cold mixes RIICBS409E Supervise the manufacture of polymer modified binders RIICBS410E Supervise the manufacture of bituminous emulsions RIICBS411E Supervise the manufacture of micro surfacing mixes RIICPL401E Supervise the installation of underground services using open excavation RIICRC401E Supervise flexible pavement construction RIICRC402E Supervise rigid pavement construction RIICRC403E Supervise the stabilisation of materials RIICRC404E Inspect and report on pavement condition RIICRC405E Carry out pavement condition measurement RIICRC406E Supervise pavement maintenance RIICSG401E Supervise civil concrete structure construction RIICSG402E Supervise civil steel structure construction RIICSG403E Supervise civil timber structure construction RIICSG404E Supervise civil masonry, crib and gabion structure construction RIICSG405E Carry out inspections of civil structures RIICSG406E Supervise maintenance of civil structures RIICTC306 Conduct tunnel boring machine operations RIICTC401E Supervise tunnel construction RIICTC402* Supervise tunnel boring machine operations RIICTT401E Supervise the installation of underground services using trenchless technology RIICTT402E Supervise repair and rehabilitation of underground services using trenchless technology RIICWD525E Select pavement surfacing RIICWM402E Supervise civil works contractors RIIDML401E Supervise demolitions RIIMEX403E Supervise canal construction RIIMPO402D Apply the principles of earthworks construction RIIWHS302E Implement traffic management plans RIIWHS401E Supervise work in confined spaces - no more than two (2) units may be chosen from elsewhere within this training package, or from another endorsed training package, or from an accredited course.
*Note the following prerequisite requirements.
RIICTC402 Supervise tunnel boring machine operations | RIICTC306 Conduct tunnel boring machine operations |
MSL975031 Supervise sampling, inspections and testing at construction sites | MSL954004 Obtain representative samples in accordance with sampling plan MSL973021 Conduct field-based acceptance tests for construction materials |
MSL975044 Perform complex tests to measure engineering properties of materials | MSL973022 Conduct laboratory-based acceptance tests for construction materials MSL974026 Perform tests to determine the properties of construction materials |